Sunday, May 01, 2005

Hmmm....Where was I ??

Okay, so i left off at after giving Compilers exam. CS315 went good. Marks are out and i think i just might get an A..Long time no see friend...;-) .... If not , heh what the heck...But the killer one did kill....dont know whats gonna happen in it....

Got some news about my internship thingy.....Wont write it down till its confirmed. DOnt wanna Jinx it....

Well what else? Exams over , life boring..but better than exams any day....

Oh yeah....MY HARDDISK CRASHED AGAIN!!! AAARRGGHHH!!! Imagine no comp after exams are over. It sucks...
No movies, no chatting , no nothing.....

Have to get the damn thing fixed again. One month or more without a machine. SUCKS....lets see...

Just praying the internship thing works out...

Signing off.

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