Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Be Yourself !!! Got My NoteBOOK....Yipee...

Great song by AudioSlave .... Never listened to them much before....

Yahoo ( I hope i dont get sued for this ... hehehe )....This post is from my own notebook. ITs BACK!! With a brand new hard disk and a new dvd writer ... have to test the dvd writer now... one good news....my DVD-R drive can read DVD+R. Only an 85% chance of that according to some sites. So thats cool.

Very busy setting everything. Setting the net up was a pain as always. Parents misplaced the driver cd for the usb modem. Had to download the drivers off the net. Burn on disc and then get on the comp. Well got it done nevertheless. 128 kbps ... pretty decent for Bahrain. They have upto 512 ... but pretty expensive for home use....

Direct net connection rocks man....No bloddy proxy to bum you out....

What else ...hmmm...Wishing for something to happen....lets see....
Signing off...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

LONG LIVE MAIDEN !! Posted by Hello

Another Day ... Another Dinner Party.....Phew !!

Well , here i go again. Went to another family friend's dinner party. Sucked like always. Same old people and same old agenda. "Oh son, you are so thin, you should eat. Eat cheese, eat fruits, eat, eat, eat, eat...." AARRGGH!!! Gimme a break people. I am thin, i am not dying or anything. As if anyone would give a damn.

Another thing seen yesterday. MONEY issue. Man how can people take so much pain. This bond, that bond, this security. This bank has good interest rates, that bank sucks. I can never see myself doing that. The max i can do i think is to have all my money ( if i ever start making any ) put into a fixed deposit thing. Safe and easily accessible. All this bonds and things is too complex for me. Cant understand finance. Or else i will give it to some college buddies of mine who know abt these things for investing without me taking the headache.

MAiden Rocks!!! Listening to them while i go on with this word vomit. Got guest coming over tonite. Caught up in the web of formality. Yeesh!! I dont even like most of the people i meet here. Just irritating.

This attitude of mine towards being social is sometimes scary. I will be all alone. Bahh! Screw it!! Will buy a ps3 and be happy to be alone. Muuaaahh!!!

HEHE...i think thats it...
Signing off..

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I am BACk !! Discovered something about adult life.

Well it happened again....i forgot about my blog. Well i will try and continue from the time i left off....

Reached Bahrain on the 25th i think. Same old place. Pretty boring for a guy like me. Met with some of the old school gang. Seems like everyone's doing well. Trying to get a job here. Do something at least. Something should turn up in a day or 2 hopefully.

Went to a dinner party yesterday. I just hate this things. Bloody formality. But the only funny thing yesterday was when i sat around with the uncles for sometime. It is really amusing to see how they talk about politics and money. And they were so bored themselves that they actually started commenting on the statement made by that Advani dude while he was in Pakistan. Well, give the guy a break man.

But i guess i shouldnt judge these people. They need something to talk about.

Another thing while talking to mom i found out was that while you are in college, you are friends with people you want to be friends with. You can just tell someone to screw off and not talk to them. But this doesnt seem to work in the current adult world. Even after knowing that you hate a certain group of people and that they hate you back, you have go about showing that you are like family. I mean this just SUCKS......Hope that life doesnt turn out be like this....I really like the power of liking and hating someone...wouldnt want to lose it ...

Well , i guess i dont have anything else to say. Will hopefully be going to watch Star Wars in a day or 2. Have delayed it pretty long. The notebook is gone for repair, should be another week before i get it ....

Well enough of this rambling...
Signing off...