Saturday, February 11, 2006

NO Answer ...

"What is the meaning of it Watson ? What is the object of this ..... circle of misery, violence and fear. It must have a purpose ! For otherwise, our universe has no meaning and that's unthinkable ! But what purpose ? humanity's great problem, for which reason so far has NO answer."

Ahh yes, the age old question. The question that boggles so many. And which i think, is the question asked when you have nothing to do or when you have so much of stuff to do and dont want to do the bloody work.

I actually downloaded the episode which had this line just to write it down. Thought it was a great line. By the way it is from the dramatization of Sherlock Holmes, the Cardborad box.

This one, i thought up....

If Life Kicks you in the shins, Curl like a ball, and pray it will find someone else. ;)

Dont have any pic to put, hmm interesting ...
There was something that i wanted to add, but i can't remember what is was.

Signing off..

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Of pizzas and pastas !!!

Well, it finally happened. The thing that I was hoping wouldn't happen. I had to take the wing out on a treat. Man, I got @#$%&. 4000 BUcks. Overshot my budget.

Went to pizza hut first. After a debate whether we go to the hut or an indian food restaurant, the poor indian restaurant lost. And this, was not to my benefit. Would be cheaper to go there. Well, everyone ordered, but it was like a pack of hungry dogs ( no offense dudes...plz don't hit me ;P ) . So whatever food was coming, it was just being grabbed and boy it was wild.

Luckily, because of all the ordering of stuff besides pizzas, which is the most expensive stuff, the bill didn't grow. People got to busy ordering pastas and wedges and soups and other stuff like that. Pretty relieved when I saw that. Anyways, enough of the rambling, its just once in a lifetime stuff, so doesnt matter and besides, i dont spend my money much anyways.

Wing at the Hut....

Someone cracked a joke in the next one, really dont remember the joke, also dont remember if i even got the joke...( at Cafe Coffee Day )

Seems like most of my posts consists of pics than text material, hmmm interesting....

well thats it for now, had more to write but somewhat tired, do it later..
signing off

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Pact between friends ...

Why is that most weird and unusual ideas in life are found when u really should be doing something else ? Like studying for instance. Studying is only an example. In no way should be taken as the case here. Its just an hypothetical example. Studying is great, keeps u busy, focused. I love studying. The idea discused today was not while studying. I cant stress on this point enough.

So continuing, me and friends, definitely "not" in the middle of studying, decided that we will motivate each other to maintain their blogs. So in the spirit of that discussion, i have decided to start.

Well, i got a job, but the happiness of that has been sucked out due to reasons not worthy to be mentioned here. Will be living in Noida, supposedly nice place to be. Would prefer Bangalore for the music, lets see maybe some off campus thing might click.

Planning to go to GIR - Great Indian Rock on the 18th and 19th in Delhi. Should be great. Have to get some work done in this week so that I can stay alive.

Here is a cool picture, me on the bass.

Well, the band is planning to take part in one or 2 competitions in the coming month. Main target is IT-BHU. Lets see if it works out properly.

Will think of more interesting things later. Have to get in the groove.

Signing off