Saturday, February 11, 2006

NO Answer ...

"What is the meaning of it Watson ? What is the object of this ..... circle of misery, violence and fear. It must have a purpose ! For otherwise, our universe has no meaning and that's unthinkable ! But what purpose ? humanity's great problem, for which reason so far has NO answer."

Ahh yes, the age old question. The question that boggles so many. And which i think, is the question asked when you have nothing to do or when you have so much of stuff to do and dont want to do the bloody work.

I actually downloaded the episode which had this line just to write it down. Thought it was a great line. By the way it is from the dramatization of Sherlock Holmes, the Cardborad box.

This one, i thought up....

If Life Kicks you in the shins, Curl like a ball, and pray it will find someone else. ;)

Dont have any pic to put, hmm interesting ...
There was something that i wanted to add, but i can't remember what is was.

Signing off..


Anudeep said... reasoning doesnt require a purpose..and thats what we do most of the dont start searching for the purpose behind this comment... :D

Switchblade said...

Heres another one...
If life hands you a potato...make french fries!