Sunday, April 17, 2005

BTP - Bachelor's Tension & Pressure

Well, i got my BTP guide set. Wireless Securities - eesh.....!! Dont know squach about the thing. But i guess i will come through.

Its that time for a Btech , when he has to make a choice - A choice between interest or ease of life.
If a guy out of his so called "Bakaiti"(for non-iitians, that means .... actually i am not sure what it means...i guess here it can be "boldness") takes up a BTP under a professor know to be a pain, then that's it. A whole year of pain and suffering lies before him.

But if a guy, leaves his interest aside and thinks. "No, that prof's a killer, i wont do my BTP under him. Yes i think Dr. X is the one. Heck i dont know anything in his area of research, but who cares. I just want him not to make my life hell." Sad but True ( Metallica BABY ).

Heck, what am i bitching about, i have my thing set. But still, this whole concept sucks. Well cant fight the system. Why dont they just make us wear a collar and a take a whip in their hands.

Well, lets see what the coming year holds for me...PAIN OR GLORY ??
Signing off...

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