Friday, April 22, 2005

Quantum Computing, Compilers and Databases....BRING 'EM ON

HAHA!! This my schedule for tomorrow.....

11AM to 1PM - Quantum Computing End Semester Exam
8:30 to 9pm - Database Project Presentation
9:30 to 10pm - Compilers Project Presentation

Thats it....Why didnt throw in some more work for tomorrow...??
My heads gonna explode....This Sucks...

Gotta make the Compilers presentation report also...thank god my Database partners are good...they are taking care of the project....Also the compiler project has got someplace..if everything goes decent in tomorrows presentation , we may get above 15% out of 25% ... good for the amount of work put into it.....

Will tell what happended to me tomorrow....think i should sleep for sometime rest of the reading in the morning....not that it will help....its any ways open book but for mental satisfaction ( wow .. i forgot that even existed...)
Signing off...

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