Monday, April 18, 2005

Not a great day either...

Got up at 9 despite sleeping at 6...Important class to go to..And what then. The same trial, where a a group of people try to make their point and they wont remember that they said the same thing a few minutes ago. And the discussion keeps going on and on in a bloody circle with no result in the end.

Got the results of my essays, wtf ?? I mean wtf!!! C'mon i tried as much as i can. I am not good at writing essays. If you are reading this, u can tell that I dont have a way with words.

Bah, what the heck... Screw it...Its over anyways..Watching 6th season of That 70s man...

Something nice on the newsgroup after quite a long time......WATER ON MARS....Oh damn....cant upload....This is so crappy. Hello doesnt work behind proxy and on Linux....
Bloody Windoze....
I am pissed...

Signing off...

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