Sunday, December 18, 2005

Hmmm...Just bored ... Nothing else...

Oh yeah.... I remember ... i had something that they call a "blog".
Well didnt go home for the winter vacations. Had to "work". Have to get some of the stuff done or i will be in deep shit ..

Well life is sucking as usual. I am sure in the next coming week i am gonna go into a serious depression. Will try and shake it off.

We got a Rock show offer.. Cool ... Supposedly the alumni association wants us to perfom at an alumni meet. will be odd playing in front of all the oldies ... but should be fun i guess.. Thinking abt doing , numb, time, turn the page and one or 2 zep. Maybe they will like it and give me a placement offer ;) yeah right.

Oh did i forget to mention. We have a ROCK BAND ... Wooohooo... I guess we call ourselves "the crescent sun". No comments on the name. Appreciate that.

Hehehe...Looks funny doesnt it ... I know ...

The band in action !!!

The geeks themselves ... !!!

Thats it ... no more.....

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Yeah Yeah !!! My feet are weird .... I know that .... No comments please....

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Be Yourself !!! Got My NoteBOOK....Yipee...

Great song by AudioSlave .... Never listened to them much before....

Yahoo ( I hope i dont get sued for this ... hehehe )....This post is from my own notebook. ITs BACK!! With a brand new hard disk and a new dvd writer ... have to test the dvd writer now... one good DVD-R drive can read DVD+R. Only an 85% chance of that according to some sites. So thats cool.

Very busy setting everything. Setting the net up was a pain as always. Parents misplaced the driver cd for the usb modem. Had to download the drivers off the net. Burn on disc and then get on the comp. Well got it done nevertheless. 128 kbps ... pretty decent for Bahrain. They have upto 512 ... but pretty expensive for home use....

Direct net connection rocks man....No bloddy proxy to bum you out....

What else ...hmmm...Wishing for something to happen....lets see....
Signing off...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

LONG LIVE MAIDEN !! Posted by Hello

Another Day ... Another Dinner Party.....Phew !!

Well , here i go again. Went to another family friend's dinner party. Sucked like always. Same old people and same old agenda. "Oh son, you are so thin, you should eat. Eat cheese, eat fruits, eat, eat, eat, eat...." AARRGGH!!! Gimme a break people. I am thin, i am not dying or anything. As if anyone would give a damn.

Another thing seen yesterday. MONEY issue. Man how can people take so much pain. This bond, that bond, this security. This bank has good interest rates, that bank sucks. I can never see myself doing that. The max i can do i think is to have all my money ( if i ever start making any ) put into a fixed deposit thing. Safe and easily accessible. All this bonds and things is too complex for me. Cant understand finance. Or else i will give it to some college buddies of mine who know abt these things for investing without me taking the headache.

MAiden Rocks!!! Listening to them while i go on with this word vomit. Got guest coming over tonite. Caught up in the web of formality. Yeesh!! I dont even like most of the people i meet here. Just irritating.

This attitude of mine towards being social is sometimes scary. I will be all alone. Bahh! Screw it!! Will buy a ps3 and be happy to be alone. Muuaaahh!!!

HEHE...i think thats it...
Signing off..

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I am BACk !! Discovered something about adult life.

Well it happened again....i forgot about my blog. Well i will try and continue from the time i left off....

Reached Bahrain on the 25th i think. Same old place. Pretty boring for a guy like me. Met with some of the old school gang. Seems like everyone's doing well. Trying to get a job here. Do something at least. Something should turn up in a day or 2 hopefully.

Went to a dinner party yesterday. I just hate this things. Bloody formality. But the only funny thing yesterday was when i sat around with the uncles for sometime. It is really amusing to see how they talk about politics and money. And they were so bored themselves that they actually started commenting on the statement made by that Advani dude while he was in Pakistan. Well, give the guy a break man.

But i guess i shouldnt judge these people. They need something to talk about.

Another thing while talking to mom i found out was that while you are in college, you are friends with people you want to be friends with. You can just tell someone to screw off and not talk to them. But this doesnt seem to work in the current adult world. Even after knowing that you hate a certain group of people and that they hate you back, you have go about showing that you are like family. I mean this just SUCKS......Hope that life doesnt turn out be like this....I really like the power of liking and hating someone...wouldnt want to lose it ...

Well , i guess i dont have anything else to say. Will hopefully be going to watch Star Wars in a day or 2. Have delayed it pretty long. The notebook is gone for repair, should be another week before i get it ....

Well enough of this rambling...
Signing off...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

All goes down the drain ;-(

Well the internship idea has gone down the drain along with all my other BRIGHT ideas about the things i would in Bangalore. Sorry Joe , See ya some other time.

For the time being i am attending a workshop on networks (wireless basically). Should be fun. Had to do it cause my BTech guide is taking the course and i frankly i dont have much idea about the field. Dont believe it that i have to go through electrical crap...all signals and thingy.....yucky....

Well dont what i am gonna do now. I guess there isnt anything else to then to go to bahrain and spent the summers there. Summers are a real bitch in kanpur so dont wanna stay and waste energy.
Lets see..

This sucks man...I so wanted to go...Waahh!!! Bloody bastards....

The gangs gonna be in bahrain for some time so i may have some people to hang out with. Might get a job or something there. Again , This sucks man....

Well enough of the rambling...
Signing off

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Hmmm....Where was I ??

Okay, so i left off at after giving Compilers exam. CS315 went good. Marks are out and i think i just might get an A..Long time no see friend...;-) .... If not , heh what the heck...But the killer one did kill....dont know whats gonna happen in it....

Got some news about my internship thingy.....Wont write it down till its confirmed. DOnt wanna Jinx it....

Well what else? Exams over , life boring..but better than exams any day....

Oh yeah....MY HARDDISK CRASHED AGAIN!!! AAARRGGHHH!!! Imagine no comp after exams are over. It sucks...
No movies, no chatting , no nothing.....

Have to get the damn thing fixed again. One month or more without a machine. SUCKS....lets see...

Just praying the internship thing works out...

Signing off.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I went , i saw, i laughed, i came back.....thats how the exam went....I hope that explains everything...i dont want to go in the gorish details...Well thank god the course is over....should be getting a decent grade no matter how much i get in the finals....i think it pays to work ur butt off in the beginning....

Well, CS315 tomorrow....the only course where there is a remote possibility of getting an A, but most probably i am gonna screw it up and end up with a B....well ok....
The killer is day after tomorrow, just hope that one goes decent enough....

Signing off....

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Eng440 and CS335 Compiler Demo

Well the Eng440 exam went decent i guess....Wrote an essay on a creative re-write of Hound of Baskervilles. Pretty interesting. But dont know abt the marks...i mean its english, u never know....

The compiler demo went SMOOTHHHH....Should be getting average marks for it.....Just hope to get a decent grade in the course...

Signing off...

Friday, April 22, 2005

Damn Man....Sick day again...3 in a row

Well, the quantum computing paper went decent....didnt know much but searching through notes made it okay...done decently i hope....

Then the presentations.....DIDNT HAPPEN.....Talk about waste of day....

Compiler presentation has been postponed to Tuesday cause my project partner got some new idea that he wants to check out....Surprisingly Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Agarwal was very cool about. I hope its not the calm before the storm..

Then Database - Went with everything made and ready, and on reaching we found that sir had left. So this too has been postponed till tomorrow. Well its okay i guess but just wanted to be over with the stuff.

Well got to get to studying today , not much time left.Very sleepy though...lets see...

Signing off...

Quantum Computing, Compilers and Databases....BRING 'EM ON

HAHA!! This my schedule for tomorrow.....

11AM to 1PM - Quantum Computing End Semester Exam
8:30 to 9pm - Database Project Presentation
9:30 to 10pm - Compilers Project Presentation

Thats it....Why didnt throw in some more work for tomorrow...??
My heads gonna explode....This Sucks...

Gotta make the Compilers presentation report also...thank god my Database partners are good...they are taking care of the project....Also the compiler project has got someplace..if everything goes decent in tomorrows presentation , we may get above 15% out of 25% ... good for the amount of work put into it.....

Will tell what happended to me tomorrow....think i should sleep for sometime rest of the reading in the morning....not that it will help....its any ways open book but for mental satisfaction ( wow .. i forgot that even existed...)
Signing off...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Test photo...Shameless i know...

Test photo...Shameless i know...

This is a test which i have done using flickr, mailing thingy....If it
works cool .... otherwise...heh...what the heck....

Monday, April 18, 2005

Not a great day either...

Got up at 9 despite sleeping at 6...Important class to go to..And what then. The same trial, where a a group of people try to make their point and they wont remember that they said the same thing a few minutes ago. And the discussion keeps going on and on in a bloody circle with no result in the end.

Got the results of my essays, wtf ?? I mean wtf!!! C'mon i tried as much as i can. I am not good at writing essays. If you are reading this, u can tell that I dont have a way with words.

Bah, what the heck... Screw it...Its over anyways..Watching 6th season of That 70s man...

Something nice on the newsgroup after quite a long time......WATER ON MARS....Oh damn....cant upload....This is so crappy. Hello doesnt work behind proxy and on Linux....
Bloody Windoze....
I am pissed...

Signing off...

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Compilers - CS335 - AArrgghhh !!

Well 2 bad things happended today......
I just came to know that the 2 days i spent trying to memorize run time allocation techniques was a waste as the end semester exam is mostly going to be open notes. AARRGGhh!!

And then the other one was that i found out my project partner, is busy till the 19th and one of the reason is Antaragni (a bloody cultural festival to held NEXT SEM!!!!)...i mean what the f*** man!! We have to give it by 21st.....

Its not like i havent done anything in the project but still, it high time that we start and finish it off...
These deadlines suck man....The database project is fine...going on well and the work is also not to hot...and the project partners will get the work done....

Lets just hope i get this done....
Signing off...

BTP - Bachelor's Tension & Pressure

Well, i got my BTP guide set. Wireless Securities - eesh.....!! Dont know squach about the thing. But i guess i will come through.

Its that time for a Btech , when he has to make a choice - A choice between interest or ease of life.
If a guy out of his so called "Bakaiti"(for non-iitians, that means .... actually i am not sure what it means...i guess here it can be "boldness") takes up a BTP under a professor know to be a pain, then that's it. A whole year of pain and suffering lies before him.

But if a guy, leaves his interest aside and thinks. "No, that prof's a killer, i wont do my BTP under him. Yes i think Dr. X is the one. Heck i dont know anything in his area of research, but who cares. I just want him not to make my life hell." Sad but True ( Metallica BABY ).

Heck, what am i bitching about, i have my thing set. But still, this whole concept sucks. Well cant fight the system. Why dont they just make us wear a collar and a take a whip in their hands.

Well, lets see what the coming year holds for me...PAIN OR GLORY ??
Signing off...

Oh my GOD...

This is a disgrace, i should probably hang myself for this.....AARRGGHH!!!
That was me punishing my self....

I just came to know that I didn't have THREE albums of MAIDEN on my comp...i know, i know what you are thinking....what kind of a fan is he....

Listening to them, sound great least i have something new to listen to....

If anyone actually reads all this.....check out this facts about Maiden's songs....

The sad thing about maiden is that, they having so many amazing , mind blowing songs, dont have enough videos, so the naive people miss out on the good one's....
example Thin Line Between Love and Hate....WHat A masterPIece(of mind ..;-) ) .. Amazing riffs...

If i can play one day to 20% of Adrian Smith, i will consider it a feat beyond comparision.

Signing off....more to come....i am not gonna stop....

This time I am serious about blogging....

Trying to study CS335 has made me realize that my life is so damn interesting that I shouldn't let this go to a waste.

I have a gift. With great gifts(should be powers, but what the heck, it's my blog), comes great responsibilites. I will not let my life go unheard of. YOU ARE GONNA HERE MY VOICE WHEN I SHOUT IT OUT LOUD....(yuck!!)

So, if an IITian is reading, he can tell you in a heartbeat that its that time of the sem again, when a person loses his mental stability and goes around blogging....

Some drink, some smoke, some sulk and shed a tear, I am gonna BLOG....

Now since i wanna blog in an organised manner, i am going to post a new one....
Signing Of.....